
Taxonomy update for the Dutch VAT declaration for Exact Globe

Exact Globe Next offers the possibility to send the VAT return and/or EU sales list to the Dutch tax authorities via Digipoort. This can be done via menu [System, General, Returns, Send via Digipoort].

For sending the VAT return and/or EU sales list, on the background the Dutch taxonomy is used. Every year this taxonomy is updated based on changes of the Dutch tax authorities. To enable you to successfully send the VAT return and/or EU sales list to the Dutch tax authorities Exact updates the software.

This year the changes are limited but a change in Exact Globe Next is still necessary.
It is important to install these changes before you send your first VAT return and/or EU sales list for 2019.

If you file a monthly VAT and/or EU Sales list, the deadline for sending the return for January 2019 is the end of February 2019. If you need to file a quarterly VAT and/or EU Sales list, the deadline for sending the return for the first Quarter 2019 is the end of April 2019. Before that date you need to have the updated software.

The necessary changes are available in product update 416SP9 and 417SP1*.

* Product update 417 will be made available for all customers early January.
When product update 417 is available for all customers Exact will post an announcement on the Exact supportblog.

Posted by Udo Trieu

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